Memories Of The Janus Store

I never got to visit the place, but the Janus store in London was famous. Here’s Abel reminiscing about one of his visits:

I have fond memories, too, of visiting the shop more recently with kinky female friends and watching the confused, nay even panicked, looks on some of the customers’ faces (“There’s a woman in here! She’s young! And attractive!” … and, in some cases… “And she’s on the cover of that magazine I was just looking at!”). And then there was the American friend – a student, staying with us – who asked a chap behind the counter, “What does a girl need to do to get spanked round here?” and was told, “Come back at 6pm and come into the back room with me.” A caning duly ensued!

Haron Loves The Hairbrush

She loves it when she’s the one swinging it, anyway. Here’s her paean to the hairbrush:

For a while I didn’t realise this, but as a top I’ve also developed a favourite implement, and it worries me somewhat that it tends to be the hairbrush. I seem to feel a particular affinity with brushes, and love to apply them to bottoms squirming over my knee. The reason this worries me is that brushes are quite evil; this is well known. Am I therefore evil?

Be that as it may, I’m not about to reject the brush. I need to reflect upon why it attracts me so much. Perhaps, it’s the feeling of spontaneity: when a punishment is necessary, I grab the first thing my eye falls on, which is my own hairbrush on the nightstand. Maybe it’s that I’m never travelling without a brush, and therefore am never without an implement. There’s also the intimacy of the over-the-knee position, my favourite both as a top and a bottom. Long live the brush, and its evil pleasure

I’m a fairly recent convert, myself, to the pleasures of hairbrush spanking. When I first got together with Bethie, I didn’t have any; and indeed, I’m not sure I’d ever seen the sort of traditional hairbrush that’s good for spanking. (Most of the ones I was familiar with were small plastic affairs with curved backs.)

The first hairbrush spanking fun I had was in 2008, when Bethie got a hairbrush that made her leap and squirm. But it didn’t really fit my hand — the handle was too short.

But then, about a year ago, I got dragged into a department store and was left to my own devices while Bethie shopped for baby clothes, for somebody else’s baby. Woo, the excitement. I went looking for some shaving cream, and happened to notice in the adjacent aisle something called the “ConAir Mega Ceramic Paddle Brush”. It was broad and rectangular, wooden backed and rather heavy, and best of all, had a long enough handle for me to hold onto. Judging by the way it made Bethie leap about when I “tested” it at home, it’s almost as effective as any of our much larger and heavier wooden paddles. It’s fast become a favorite toy of mine. (I can’t say “of ours” though; I get dirty looks when Bethie sees it in my hand.)

See Also:

The Spanking Breakfast

If you are a faithful reader of The Spanking Writers you already know Emma Jane; but I had not until today stopped by her blog, A Painful Awakening. Dilatory of me, I must confess. Here’s her account of a pleasant Saturday breakfast, some time ago:

After much sleep I rose from a fine ten hours of deep sleep in a very good mood indeed. I hadn’t intended to be mischievous at all but being condiment-ally challenged resulted in honey over the oak table, soon followed by me bare bottomed, over the oak table.

Forgetting it was HH dealing out the spanking I was semi-cheerfully answering back when the hand spanking got firmer and the voice got cross. It’s not allowed to be so disrespectful during a spanking, no matter how light or sticky the situation.

Breakfast finally concluded without much further ado until some ridiculous declaration of innocence from Abel had all us girls howling in laughter. He wasn’t too pleased to have us react so and over the table we all had to go, bottoms bared in a row; Catherine, Haron and I. And what a lively spanking ensued with a disgraceful amount of laughter and answering back.

After all that I found myself in a far more mischievous mood. I wanted trouble! But not for me, I still felt quite played out from the night before. But I was sure Catherine could handle a bit more beating. As Indy would say I then then threw her under a bus by remarking that she hadn’t got that switching that was proposed, had she? Of course HH doesn’t need much encouragement and duly fetched said switch as we all trooped upstairs to watch the show.

Now it’s very unusual for me to witness someone playing and not want to join in, but this was such an occasion. I was very happy to watch as HH beat Catherine mercilessly with the switch. Happy to to watch her dance and wriggle away from him as he beat her more, to laugh as he chased her round the room still whacking away and to sigh as he eventually restrained her and whipped her til tiny bits of the switch scattered across the room and she was properly complaining.

Poor girl wasn’t allowed be done with yet though. It was then Abel’s turn with the dragon cane and the strokes rained down smartly until at least two dozen were delivered. Our girl was almost done. But I wasn’t finished with my bus throwing.

Gently remarking that she hadn’t nearly as much trouble as me on the wooden pony the night before I wondered how she might find it on the second time of asking? The love in her eyes for me at that moment was very special to behold. And when they had her strung up on the pony, with the board raised much higher than previously, I almost felt bad as she cried and pleaded for mercy. Almost.

It was a very floaty girl who was finally released into many waiting hugs.

Flogging In The New York Times

Abel writes at The Spanking Writers:

A quite wonderful column appeared in the New York Times back in May 1899, headlined: “VIRGINIA PEOPLE SLANDERED. An Imaginary Picture of the Flogging of a Girl Published by a French Journal.”

The story reports that a top French paper had published an illustration – sadly not reproduced – of a sheriff flogging an eighteen-year-old girl with a whip, whilst she was tied to the stocks in the main square of a Virginia town.

Nice find, Abel! Imaginary flogging though it was, it’s a nifty few column inches, and so I thought it was worth extracting from .pdf into a .jpg and transcribing in full:

An Imaginary Picture of the Flogging of a Girl Published by a French Journal

Washington, May 23 [1899] — An example of the manner in which anti-American prejudice is formed in some portions of Europe has been brought to the attention of the State Department in the issue of Le Petit Marseillais of Marseilles, France, of May 7.

This paper contains a full-page illustration in garish colors representing “A Girl Undergoing Punishment by the Whip in America.” The two prominent figures in the picture are the girl who is undergoing a public flogging and the Sheriff. The latter is a tall figure wearing a red shirt and black trousers, his right arm, with which he is wielding a cruel lash, bared to the elbow, while the girl stands with her arms in the stocks and body bare to the hips receiving the blows from the whip.

The chastisement is witnessed, apparently with enjoyment, by a miscellaneous assemblage of old men, young women, and little children, all well dressed, while a number of soldiers stand in the background to support the proceeding with the official authority of the United States Government. Explaining the illustration, Le Petit Marseillais says:

“In a country like America, where one is accustomed to find only progress and new discoveries, one is very much surprised to see a turn — backward — like punishment by the whip. This retrograde movement is performed in the State of Virginia, in which the Legislative Assembly has voted a law permitting the application of corporal chastisement in public.

“The first person upon whom this punishment has been inflicted is a girl eighteen years of age, who was whipped on the public square of Manassas. If one did not notice the modern dress of the crowd present at the scene, in the presence of the Sheriff and the representatives of the public force, he would have thought himself in the Middle Ages in seeing the unhappy girl naked to the waist, both hands held in a piece of plank, while the executor of the law acquitted himself conscientiously of his mission.”

It is only necessary to say that punishment by flogging is not authorized by the laws of Virginia, and that the illustration is purely imaginary.

All right, you kinky academic types. You’ve got a very precise citation: Le Petit Marseillais, May 7, 1899. Next time you’re in the sort of academic library with a rich collection of old French tabloid newspapers, dig that bad boy up. A microfilm print if you must, but if you can lay hands on a color photocopy (or a surreptitious digital photo, depending on the policies of your archive) of the “in garish colors” original, that would be much preferred. You get it, Spanking Blog will publish it.

See Also:

Reader Questions About Whips And Canes And Switching

I got a nice letter from someone (we’ll call her “A” for “Anonymous” since she may not have intended her letter for publication) with several good questions that I was happy to answer. However, being as how there was a fair amount of time spent digging up caning links for her it seemed natural enough to publish her letter and turn the answer into a post. Here’s “A”:

Dear Spank Boss,

I was perusing your blog as I’ve done from time to time, for a few years now. I had a few questions for you, that you may or may not have covered before in your blog, and if you have, I apologize.

#1. Where would you recommend purchasing whips & crops from? I’ve purchased a few throughout the years, but they’ve always disappointed me with substandard quality….including one flogger that was merely glued together. And poorly glued at that!

That’s an easy one! The resource I always recommend for buying whips and crops is JT’s Stockroom — I’ve been buying from them for a decade and they are consistent in quality with excellent customer service. It’s sort of the “Honda” of kinky sex toys — not especially luxury or top of the line, but solidly built for a fair price. Their short-handled crop is a particular favorite of mine, and has seen hard use (especially since we lost the long one). I also have had good luck buying canes from them. Which leads us to the next and more interesting question:

#2. What resources would you recommend to novice caners? My husband & I have wanted to explore it, but we feel it’s ground that should be trod upon lightly.

My first irreverent thought is that maybe you should each get one of those “Don’t Panic” buttons from Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy. More seriously, a little caution is always smart, so sure, go slow, take it easy at first, make sure you’re not getting marked worse than you’re willing to live with.

But at the end of the day, the cane is just a little piece of dried shrubbery! And bottoms are very tough and resilient, so it’s extremely hard to do any lasting harm.

I should say, though — and this is advice I always chortle when giving — the person with the cane needs lots and lots of practice in order to control exactly where the cane lands and thus to make those pretty lattices of parallel marks. You don’t get that kind of control overnight, and you don’t get it practicing on a pillow (because pillows don’t wiggle!). Practice, practice, practice!

An aside for the gentlemen in the audience: If your female practice bottom objects to all the practice and suggests you should try a pillow, scoff. If she persists nonetheless, I have worked out the perfect compromise. Go and find her favorite teddy bear and offer to practice on that. She’ll be naked and upside down over the arm of your couch with her butt in the air faster than you can say “Swish!” (This is actually an exaggeration: with some girls you actually have to get lined up on the bear’s fuzzy little bottom before she really comes to believe you could be so cruel, and starts shucking her panties in sympathetic terror.)

Over the years, I’ve linked to a ton of good caning information. That last link actually presents a decent caning guide, the one where I got the teddy bear idea in fact. And here’s the post from my own first experience of caning Bethie — complete with rare Bethie pictures! But probably the best and most useful simple guide (especially if you disregard tip #1, heh) are Abel’s 12 Tips For Newbie Caners, which I blogged as Caning For Beginners.

What I like linking even better, though, are the blog posts by cane enthusiasts (even more fun when they are new converts and astonished to discover how much they enjoy being caned):

Unfortunately, in hunting down all those links I also was forced (oh, the hardships I endure for my loyal readers!) to wade through a bunch of the better caning porn that I’ve published over the years. I’d hate to waste all that search effort, so here are a few of the gems before I get back to the letter from “A”:

OK, back to the letter from “A”, this time in the realm of philosophy:

#3. And lastly, I know some persons don’t believe in the concept of the switch, but what is your position on this? And if you do believe they exist, would you know where I could find resources for that lifestyle and/or someone to talk to/ask questions about it?

I definitely believe in switches, especially when out of doors! And if you don’t believe me, just ask Bethie!

Oh, wait. That’s probably not what you meant.

If you’re asking about taking turns — sometimes swinging the cane, sometimes getting it — of course I believe in it, in the sense that I know lots of people like to switch. Sometimes it’s an omni-kinky sort of thing, sometimes it’s a way to play fair with your partner. Some people have both dominant and submissive fantasies, some people enjoy being sadistic and also enjoy pain sensations. Basically, if you can imagine it, somebody out there is doing it and loving every second.

You don’t see much of this on Spanking Blog because I, myself, am a big baby about pain when it’s my tender skin on the line. I do not like it, Sam I am. I have no interest in switching. The cane is for Bethie’s bottom in my house, and that’s that.

From the tone of the question, “A”, I fear you may have had an unpleasant encounter (perhaps on one of the kinky forums?) with the people I call “Absolute Categorizers”. There are folks who spend an enormous amount of time and energy trying to figure out exactly what sort of kinky they are, usually so they can carry on stigmatizing some other group of icky kinky people. (There are spankos who claim spanking isn’t BDSM for this reason, so they don’t have to admit to being kinky the way “those freaks” are.) You’ll often find Absolute Categorizers who are submissive women arguing about whether one of their number is a “True Slave” or a “Lifestyle Submissive” or a [fill in half a dozen other labels here]. These conversations can get quite vicious and competitive: “You’re not a True Slave because you blogged about refusing to give him a blowjob that one time, and you haven’t got a brand or a collar like I do…”

People like this will say “There’s no such thing as a switch” because they have a notion in their head about being a dominant or a submissive. It will usually be an absolute notion, like “you cannot submit to a punishment and still be a True Master” or “if you are Truly Submissive, you could never strike Your Master with a cane” or whatever. These rules are perfectly valid for the people who believe them, but that’s not good enough — they want these rules to be absolute. What about the woman who wakes up her man with a blowjob, wears her collar around the house all day, and then gives him a caning — at his request — when he gets home from work? Why, she’s a threat, because her very existence undermines whatever absolute rules the threatened person has dreamed up to make kinky life easier to handle.

Now, it would be my impression that perfectly-balanced switches (people who derive equal pleasure from dominance and submission, or from caning and being caned) are fairly rare. Most people tilt one way or another. But lots and lots of people enjoy both, in varying ratios, and there’s nothing even faintly unusual about that.

Wow, that’s enough blogging for the whole week! “A”, I hope this helped!

Kink-Friendly Hotel Design

I’d have to say it’s the acme of hospitality for a hotel to include a vase full of canes for the convenience of its kinky guests, as this hotel that Heron and Abel visited in Japan does:

canes in the room for the pleasure of the guests

Bethie and I actually once stayed in a brand new Hampton Inn that had a room vase full of dried bamboo stalks, but they were small and fragile and somewhat cracked-looking, under a coat of fragile-looking varnish. So, I let myself be talked into the proposition that it would do too much damage to the display to use the bamboo stalks for their divinely-intended purpose.

See Also:

Blasphemy! Cane them! Blasphemy!

You might think that it’s been awhile since allegations of blasphemy featured prominently in threatened legal proceedings. You might think that, but you’d be wrong.

blasphemous schoolgirl

If it’s true, as it seems to be, that these photos were taken in a working church without the permission of its owners and proprietor, I think we can righteously condemn the photographer as being — at least — a bit of a prat. But I confess, when I look at the photos, it’s not hard to imagine an alternate world in which they are the documentary record of a schoolgirl field-trip outing gone bad due to youthful high spirits and insufficient chaperonage:

naughty lesbian schoolsgirls making out on the altar of a working church

Whatever the proper degree of condemnation for the photographer in our world, in that alternative fantasy world I think we all know what ought to happen to these young ladies for their blasphemous conduct. Just think, what would Abel do?

See Also: