Spanking And Shame Is Gone

spanking and shame site gone banner

I’m sorry to report that the venerable Spanking And Shame website no longer exists. Click here to see the few pictures from it that remain for your viewing pleasure here on Spanking Blog; they should appear as a list of posts with this one at the top. Sorry for any disappointment!

Spanked At Thanksgiving Dinner

Thanksgiving dinner had been going well right up to the point where one of the men decided to tease the other man’s wife and she took it poorly, cursing him most foully. Then when her husband told her to apologize, and she refused, the other wife jumped in and called both of them “overbearing patriarchal bastards”. It all went downhill from there, and both shrewish wives wound up stripped naked and standing in the corner with hurt feelings and lightly-spanked bottoms:

two spanked wives at Thanksgiving dinner

Happy Thanksgiving, indeed!

Photo is from Spanking And Shame.

See Also:

Waiting For Her Martinet Whipping

I believe these women in a schoolroom waiting to be whipped with a martinet are from the long-defunct Spanking And Shame website:

two women kneeling on a school desk for their naked martinet whipping

bent over a school desk waiting for her martinet whipping

See Also:

Perilously Balanced OTK Spanking

This poor girl looks like she’s had to cross her ankles in an effort not to fall on her face while being spanked:

otk spanking with her ankles crossed

From the long-defunct Spanking And Shame site.

See Also:

Chased And Switched

The women of the village take a very dim view of a sultry young seductress who goes sniffing around their husbands. And their methods of social censure and ostracism can be rather severe:

chased and switched

chased and switched

Pictures are from Spanking And Shame.

See Also:

Struggling Never Helps

I think this series of photos only serves to illustrate how struggling, resisting, and trying to protect your bottom with your hands only makes the spanking harder, longer, and worse in the long run. Of course, for some girls, worse is better, if you know what I mean and I think you do:

girl tries to protect her bottom with her hands to avoid a spanking

French schoolgirl gets otk spanking with her panties on

panties down schoolroom spanking for naughty French schoolgirl

Pictures are from Spanking and Shame.

See Also:

Flunking Her Anal Exam

I know some guys who would like to be this kind of doctor. It’s the perfect job, right? You get to tell not-so-innocent young ladies to take their clothes off:

ass doctor tells patient to strip

When they do, you get to give them a close personal inspection:

ass doctor inspects her bottom and anus

And then, after you find the inevitable signs of wild anal sex (I dunno, maybe her boyfriend is a tattoo artist or something, work with me here) you get to deliver a spanking and a moralistic lecture:

a spanking from the ass doctor

Pictures courtesy of Spanking and Shame.