An Explosion Of Sex Toys

One of my favorite genres of porn is the image — much more likely to be an imaginative artwork than an actual photograph — of a BDSM session or sex scene in progress where it looks like the entire contents of somebody’s sex toy cabinet or adult playtime duffle bag has exploded all over the bedroom or the dungeon, as the case may be. And then, when you take a second look, you realize there are so many cast-aside whips, paddles, sensation toys, restraints, bottles of lube, half-burnt candles, clamps, plugs, dildos, sounds, and other devious instruments of pleasure that whoever planned this happy event must surely have stopped off at an adult shop on their way to the tryst, because nobody’s in-house assortment of sex toys could possibly be that exhaustively complete!

kneeling leashed blonde slave after playtime

In its most extreme form this sort of image is rare, but in truth I’m a sucker for just about any erotic illustration or photo that gives pride of place to the sex toys, and especially the impact toys, that make all the erotic fun possible. Do I have a little bit of a toy fetish? I suppose I might!

Almost as much fun is the before-the-action version in which all the sex toys are carefully arranged in a meticulous array around the object of one’s affections. Everything in its place, all objects of fun convenient to the grasping hand of an avid lover. Under no circumstances are we going to interrupt the festivities to go rummage in the cupboard or fumble in the bag under the bed! Because that’s no fun for anybody. We’ve all been there, and it kills the moment. A creative lover gets his or her shit together well in advance.

Depending on the amount of compulsive obsession in play, these scenes may or may not have a much smaller number of sex toys in play, but what they might lack in sheer number of toys, they can make up for in well-organized style. Sometimes it even appears that the position of each toy in the scene has been curated as carefully as the limbs of a bonsai tree, so much so that you can tell what toy is in use by the missing-tooth gap in the tableau.

kneeling submissive surrounded by a careful array of sticky sex toys and her carefully folded cosplay uniform

There’s also a sub-variant where the used sex toys (and the happy recipient of all that attention) are arranged with precision at the end of the scene, as if for a trophy photograph. Perhaps this is the sexual equivalent of snapshotting your dinner table for Instagram, but after you’ve enjoyed your meal?

Image credits: The kneeling leashed and clamped blonde (upper image) is by Punchdrunkey. The kneeling submissive surrounded by sticky sex toys (lower image) is by アヌリタ (Anurita).

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