Polycule Punishment

Sometimes when I see a single kinky photo the explanatory scenarios that pop into my head don’t match the likely storylines of the porn shoots they come from. Take this photo from Firm Hand Spanking:

mommy domme and her cute lesbian submissive dealing with domestic discipline, spanking, and corner time, in front of an amused boyfriend

Here’s my interpretation: this is about half of a happy kinky polycule. She and her cute live-in sub were having breakfast with her older boyfriend, who spent the night. But the sub said something bratty to him while they were all happily eating scones, and that’s currently being corrected.

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  1. welovemysty commented on February 21st, 2023:

    You’ve described 99% of my posts on BDSMLR. I see a picture, imagine a story around it, and write it down. They rarely match the video’s scenario.

  2. SpankBoss commented on February 21st, 2023:

    People who actually make visual porn have to juggle a whole lot of complex technical and human factors to get anything at all “in the can”. Even at their best, the stories they tell aren’t — can’t be — as complex as the ones in our heads. And sometimes (often?) their stories might be formulaic and lacklustre, but even so, for a few minutes or a few frames or in a few photographs, they create visuals that are so stunning and strong, they can carry the load of many different stories. I feel we wouldn’t be honoring that artistic achievement if we didn’t gleefully repurpose it at the least opportunity.

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