The Humiliations Of Hattie

Amongst the dubious advertisements in the back pages of the July 1937 issue of Spicy Mystery Stories, we find the following curious notice:

advertisement for spanking porn

It reads:

“Humiliations of Hattie” contains 60 very unusual pages of reading and 5 full page illustrations, offered only to adult readers at $1.00, express prepaid. Money back if not surprised and delighted. State age.

Readers, I’m sure you understand why my spanko radar went off. They don’t even directly hint that poor Hattie’s humiliating ordeals involve spanking, and yet I think that’s where all of our dirty minds immediately went.

For proof, I betook myself to the internet, and I believe we are vindicated. There’s only one internet reference I can find, and no hint at all that this rare item of literature has ever been digitized anywhere. But I’m happy to report that Humiliations of Hattie is to be bound in Box 2, Folder 5 of the Flagellation Collection in the Special Collections at California State University, Northridge. The Flagellation Collection, sadly, is not online. But if any of you are local to Cal State Northridge, they do allow students, faculty, and “researchers” to access the special collections and take digital photos. I’m just saying.

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