Figging As An Anal Aphrodesiac

When was the last time you saw a good high-quality photograph of a woman being figged and caned? (If you were late to the last class, by “being figged” I mean “having peeled fresh ginger root in her anus” — see for your remedial instruction.)

If your answer is “pretty much never” and you lament that, go here. The inline photo is small, but it enlarges to “ZOMG-huge!” resolution.

The site is My Whole Sex Life, and it’s running a public-participation data-gathering figging experiment to explore “the effectiveness of figging as an anal aphrodisiac.” Results so far seem promising:

This is amazing! I mean, I only did it because it’s science. It’s important to test the procedure. I had to, really. But I’m so glad I did. It works, it really works! I wasn’t begging to be fucked or anything. I came three times during the 30 minute trial. Three orgasms is significant, I think! Yes, I was not totally holding to scientific method — I did apply a vibrator at 10, 20, and 25 minutes. At 15 minutes I experienced a fit of coughing that was very painful as my asshole tightened on the ginger fig. After that things started to feel different – just like the internet accounts claimed! Everything down there felt warm and erotic. I believe the ginger began to release it’s chemical into my system.

My last orgasm was very intense. Quite different from anything I’ve experienced before. I got close to orgasm and turned off the vibrator. I tensed the muscles in my butt and thighs, focusing on there being something in my ass and the warm tingle that suffused my nether regions. Suddenly, I began coming, but it was like my entire rectum was orgasming. This was somewhat uncomfortable around the ginger, but the discomfort just made me come harder. I felt that my whole body was orgasming.

Maybe ginger has special erotic properties after all. I did not achieve extremely high values, but I did go from not turned on at all to body-rocking orgasms.

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  1. bodack commented on April 16th, 2011:

    Poor Terry Pratchett. I am sure millions of his readers have looked up “figgin” on the internet and got something they weren’t expecting.

    From Terry Pratchett’s “Discworld”. It can be defined as ‘a small short-crust pasty containing raisins’. But considering that 99.99% of the population dont know this, it can mean almost anyhting!
    mmm, that was a nice figgin

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