A Riding Crop For Her Breasts

The pursed lips and bemused look on the face of this librarian-in-red-latex bondage model as the riding crop strikes her breasts made me laugh:

riding crop spanked breasts

From Whipped Ass.

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  1. Brian commented on March 6th, 2017:

    The tits can be caned more effectively if they are not supported by the dress. Let them swing as they are caned

  2. sidney b commented on July 4th, 2017:

    I’d have thought the tight dress underneath them would present them well for her discipliner’s attention and improve her accuracy. I must try it some time

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."