Figging Story
Here’s a story that vividly combines figging and spanking in the best Victorian tradition.
Except for, um, er, one little detail. It’s a slash story, meaning it features male/male action between a couple of characters from popular fiction. This one is for the ladies, then — who, I am told, comprise the vast majority of the fan base for slash.
Something blunt and wet nudged at his arsehole–much cooler than anything else that had touched him so far. A push, another, and it was inside him, was shoved in deeper until the ring of muscle closed down around a narrower neck set into the thing. Draco shuddered as Harry released his buttocks and stepped back, leaving the plug of ginger snug inside him.
“Now. Think your arse can take more?”
“Take more what?”
“Yes, I suppose it’ll have to.” Sound of something going swick through the air.
Then something hit him, hard. “Ow!” He jerked against the restraints. It had crossed his arse in an awful line, but the tip had struck like a knife on his arse. He craned his head around to look; it looked like a cane, but springier–taken from a tree, he guessed.
And Harry swung it hard enough to make him look away in panic. “Ow!” he yelled again as it struck, tip biting into the right side of his arse just under where it had hit the first time. And the length of it felt like it was going to welt his buttocks no less.
These were not coming as quickly as the paddling or the spanking had. Which was not a lot of comfort; he could tell that these blows required attention, to get them to land where you wanted them.
That was about the point when he noticed the effects of the ginger.
He’d thought it would sting. It did. But slowly; slowly getting his awareness that something uncomfortable was happening inside his bunghole, slowly starting to burn in that way that felt cool rather than hot, like ice that never warmed with your body temperature, and never numbed you, either.
The cane swacked down on him again. Even as he yelled, he felt the icy burn in his anus flare. Fuck! It was like lemon juice and menthol and pepper all at the same time, and yet it had its moments when it was worse, and when it receded. What the hell?
It took three more swacks of the cane before he realized. When the cane hit. When he clenched his buttocks each time it did. He tightened around the ginger and the burn would eagerly attack the lining of his arse. Oh, fuck.
“Don’t clench,” Harry said, chiding softly, just before he struck again.
Draco howled, clenched of course, and exploded, “Let me do it to you and we’ll see how well you do!” He hung over the sofa back–ribs not the least concern now–panting, thinking that was definitely not the right thing to say, under the circumstances.
But he doubted anything he said would have made it worse. Another swack. The burn went through his arse inside and out, both across and through–he didn’t know which was worse. Another. He hissed, tried to bite at the sofa upholstery, told himself not to clench at the next blow. Another. Oh, fuck, it was worse, not clenching one’s arse; the cane seemed to cut six inches deeper. Another. Ah, fuck, no, the fire of the ginger was worse! Fuck fuck fuck, which was it?
Harry’s fingers were on the ginger plug. He was taking it out–fuck, no, he was rotating it inside him, no, moving it back and forth a little, no! And then he’d stopped, left it where it was, and set his palms on the globes of Draco’s welted, red-hot arse, and pushed them together around the ginger, holding them there as Draco screeched and begged and suffered the full effects of the ginger and came within a hair of calling Harry the most evil fucker on the planet and threatening to kill him. Draco really, really didn’t want to go back to the beginning on this one.
From For Your Own Good by Amanuensis. Thanks to Eros Blog for the link.
See Also:
My sister is a writer of slash fiction (comic book variety), and she too makes the claim that the majority of her fans are women. Still, I have yet to meet one single woman who will admit to being into M/m fiction ever – even at lifestyle events (other than my sister, of course). Who are these mysterious women?
Not that it matters at all, I guess. But I’m just not buying it. Most women are straight (statistically speaking) and women as a whole only consume the merest fraction of porn produced. So why do I keep hearing this strange claim that women are writing and reading all this slash fiction?
Theory 1: Guys who don’t want to admit they are gay form a significant portion of the “female” readers.
Theory 2: Slash fiction women are reading maniacs, who read hundreds of times as much as their straight counterparts.
Theory 3: Writers of slash fiction seem to think having a female audience legitimizes them, so they keep repeating the line.
As I said, I don’t think it much matters. But I have given it thought and it just doesn’t ring true to me.
Best Blessings,
Harry Potter would never be so mean!
First; like Sandy says, Harry would never do such a thing.
Second; It would rather be Draco…
Third; Isn’t Draco and Harry juveniles???
Fourth; Invidia>>> Perhaps it’s a bit like the saying about men being into F/F sex. It seems to me like men in a large group SAY they are into F/F – and chuckles – but once you get into what they actually read, watch and fantasize about it’s rather M/F…
I will say that I have met one woman who likes M/M. She thinks it’s the hottest of all possible pairings (she’s more-or-less straight, btw).
I like it to, when I happen to be in its presence, but it’s not something I seek out (I’m female and far, far from straight).
And Harry and Draco are underage, but they’re fictional, so no children were hurt in the makin of this fanfic.
oh, and I generally don’t read HP fanfic, but this is GREAT! That perfect, teasing sort of sadism that I love.
Invidia, my authority for the claim that women are the vast majority of slash fans comes from the Wikipedia. Like you, I only know one slash fan, and she’s a woman. However, she tells me that there are entire conventions devoted to slash, as large as your average science fiction convention. The attendees? Mostly women.
I can’t make it ring true for you, Invidia, but I’m pretty sure of my sources.
It is true that most of us slash fans (yes, I am guilty) are female. I write it, I read it. And, shamefully, it’s all of the Harry Potter variety. So needless to say, this post made me laugh pretty hard.
Uh hum . . . I went and read the article, and though I found it interesting, I found it lacking in documentation. Yes, they do say that the majority of slash writers and fans are female, but they fail to say where that information came from – it’s the same old same old. I haven’t seen any of these “big as scifi cons” in my city either. Have you? -wink-
The slash fic that my sis has shared with me has been mostly of the cloying-as-honey variety, wherein the cannon macho characters are reduced to whimpering emotional wrecks that cry at every opportunity. They really only care about tenderness and being understood. . . oh me, oh my . . . Where is Freud when you need him?
Best Blessings,
FWIW, the only people I’ve known who’ve written slash are female. But as that amounts to, erm, 3 I think, it’s hardly real evidence *g*
I personally find it more plausible that women are reading slash than men. It seems like they’re the only ones who consistenty write it and admit to being interested.
I just can’t imagine the average guy reading this stuff and not being squicked by it – especially when the characters loose their macho stance.
I’m not saying the average guy is a homophobe, I’m just saying when a man is looking for porn, I don’t think slash M/m is what they’re looking for.
Of course, that opinion may be influenced by the man I’m living with. LOL
I agree with you, however I think that gay and bisexual men are reading slash and just not admitting it. I also think that some straight guys who are bi-curious are reading – and of course, they would never admit such a thing.
And I don’t doubt that there are some women out there that are fans too – I just wonder at all the amazing “statistics” that I’ve read about slash fans being almost entirely female. I’m a female myself and though I’ve tried to get my mind around the appeal of the genre, I just can’t fathom it. I haven’t a thing in the world against it, but I personally find it a turn-off.
I suppose the fact that I’m a submissive female compounds the situation in my case. I don’t like to see macho guys reduced to simpering girly-men. That is distasteful to me. And so many of the women that I’ve known over the years are into macho types – not pouting crying boys. Again, I just cannot fathom the appeal. Granted, that is probably a lack of perspective on my part, but let’s face it – some men out there must be reading slash, downloading “chick flicks”, reading “chick lit” and doining it all with famale logins and avatars.
I think that really though, it is true that a majority of the slash fans/authors *are* female. I mean, I spend a lot of time on the anime scene and such, and I’ve been to forums and conventions, all that jazz. Two words: yaoi fangirls. They can be downright maniacal, and while it’s not the largest group, they certainly are very vocal and productive of work. I had a friend who would read nothing but and slashed constantly. She described one thing as “too het for me” even (o.O?)
I know lesbians who are into Lord of the Rings slash. I think it’s that a lot of slash fiction does get into the emotional aspects (unless it’s just smut ;) ) and that appeals to a female audience. But from my experience, I know probably 3 guys who are into M/m slash; they’re all gay. I probably couldn’t count the women who are the same. Further, while the guys have a pretty casual interest, it seems like the girls are usually much more hardcore fans.
So, in brief, I would say that, even if some female fans online may be men afraid to admit, the vast majority of M/m pop culture/anime/harry potter, whatever fans are females, generally about 16 years old (x.x) and, kind of like suggested: There are a *LOT* of slash producing/reading maniacs.
I happened to attend a portion of the Harry Potter Convention when it was held in July of 2003. The attendees were overwhelmingly female, and the slash fiction sessions seemed (I only attended one, and that was because I misunderstood the topic) to be the most popular events. No spanking fiction sessions, alas, but I have a feeling they would have been popular as well.
I am female, I read and write slash in multiple fandoms, and I can assure you that the overwhelming majority of slash fans are indeed women.
Does that mean most women are into slash? Of course not, the number of people who participate comprises only a tiny percentage of women. However, the percentage of slashers who are women in my own personal experience is nearly one hundred percent.
I LOVE m/m stories. Too bad we can’t find more M/m stories though.
I am somewhat bi more straight than not … anyway, just thought it would be relevant
Yes, yes, ABSOLUTELY slashers are mostly women. And there are thousands of us. Yes, we make up only a small (but rapidly growing) percentage of the population, but while there are some gay men reading the stuff, it’s mostly women. Especially middle-aged women.
We mostly keep it a secret in real life, so look for us on the internet. We’re not hard to find, there.
But also, we do definitely, as you say, consume vast quantities of the stuff. For us, slash is not just about sex, but about romance, community (we get to know each other by name and have long chats over the ‘net about what we do and our lives. We become good friends.), celebration of our love of certain fictional characters, and exploring our creativity. Half of the stuff I write is 90% character study and plot with some hot sex tacked on at the end.
Its been scientifically proven (don’t ask me how!) that women get aroused by a wider variety of things then men do.
Most of the authors I know who write slash are happily straight women, as are more of the people who comment.
Go figure.
There are thousands of female writers and readers of M/M romance fiction, including me. What do straight women and gay men have in common? Answer…an appreciation of the male sex, so the fact that women write M/M isn’t that unusual. And if you think about it, it’s also a kind of reversal of the fantasy held by straight men…of watching hot lesbian sex. It’s no big deal. :) I have a lot of women readers, some are lesbians, but I also have a lot of male fans, mostly gay, but a sprinkling of straight guys who enjoy the spanking and discipline aspects of my fiction.