Spanking Good Exercise

I’m not sure I’ve ever heard of this working in practice, but the fantasy of being “forced” to exercise and getting spanked if you don’t work hard enough is something that I’ve seen go by on numerous spanking blogs. Here’s the blonde lesbian gym version of the scene:

pretty blonde gets spanked on a treadmill

Image credit is Taboo magazine, but you can see a larger version of this photo (and two more from the same spread) in this post at Spank Slaves: The Blog.

So tell me, has anybody ever had positive results (defined however you like) from an exercise regime that was enforced by the threat of, or actual administration of, spanking discipline? If you’ve tried this in your relationship, please share your experience in the comments! (Links are welcome, if you’ve blogged about this elsewhere.)

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  1. A.S.S. commented on September 19th, 2008:

    Love the pic. Have a small collection with a similar theme. Not sure it has ever really happened… though getting spanked for skipping exercise certainly isn’t uncommon.

    Todd and Suzy

  2. Ms. Betty commented on September 19th, 2008:

    Well actually, yes in a way.

    Some years ago, I had an agreement with one of my “boys” that if he did not make his 3 weekly work outs at the gym he would end up paying for it with a sore bottom. It did seem to work as he only missed two workouts during that year and he often said the thought of my hairbrush was very good motivation for getting up on cold mornings and getting to the gym.

  3. Bethy commented on September 20th, 2008:

    It worked very well for me, I lost almost 30 pounds doing such a thing.

    My top would be on the computer behind me while I was exercising, and if I started to slack in anyway he was very quick with a few smacks of the strap. And with me in skimpy workout shorts there was very little to shield my poor bum, let me tell you, a few bites of that strap and my motivation to workout was right back up there. Only once or twice did I actually get taken away into another room for a lengthier motivation session…

    And to be honest since I have moved away and it is impossible for us to do such a workout session my weightloss has platuaed…

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