“Remarkable Stories Of Whippings”

For so long as there has been erotic spanking literature, there’s been a need to advertise the stuff. This curious advertisement appeared in the back pages of the November 1935 issue of La Paree, which despite its exotic titling was a US men’s magazine published in Dover, Delaware. I sure would enjoy seeing a copy of the “illustrated booklet, handsomely printed, describing these volumes in great detail” — wouldn’t that be fun?

corporal punishment books advertisement

See Also:

  1. Don Johnson commented on July 8th, 2021:

    What’s wacky is there is no 70 5th Ave. There’s a 66 and 72, but 70 would put it in the middle of 13th!

  2. SpankBoss commented on July 9th, 2021:

    Huh, that’s funny. I’m not from those parts, but there’s a 2020 blog post here by the Greenwich Village Society For Historic Preservation which not only goes into great detail about a 12-story Beaux Arts style office building that’s occupied that address since 1912, but also explains how that the address has long been a hotbed of radical politics and alternative publishing, which might have made it a natural fit for psuedo-pornographers. Mind you, “Department FF” sounds like a rented mailbox to me, albeit perhaps from a building management that didn’t give a fuck about books on corporal punishment because everybody else in the building was publishing crazy pamphlets and manifestos. From other internet sources, it looks like the building is now called “The Educational Building”, belongs to the New School, and received landmark status in June. The brief of the NYC Landmarks Preservation Commission indicates that the address is “AKA 2-6 West 13th Street” which may have something to do with the fact that there’s a great deal more frontage on 13th than there is on 5th.

  3. Don Johnson commented on July 9th, 2021:

    If one looks hard enough (heh), there are some Gargoyle Press books for sale, like these 2 at Abe Books https://www.abebooks.com/servlet/BookDetailsPL?bi=30776394130&cm_mmc=ggl-_-COM_Shopp_Rare-_-product_id=bi%3A%2030776394130-_-keyword=&gclid=CjwKCAjw55-HBhAHEiwARMCszsDrqgh_e_CrFJ5mv_2wBu_AnUti4W3gj322mHNAhYUoqtvoZz-i5xoCDB4QAvD_BwE

  4. Don Johnson commented on July 10th, 2021:

    That explains why I couldn’t see it on Google Street View. I squinted as hard as I could but couldn’t see 70. I banged around and read up on the building, definitely some interesting stuff happened there.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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