Black Friday Sale 2020

Kink Unlimited Black Friday sale 2020

You know it’s a crazy year when Black Friday sales start on the Monday before Thanksgiving. But that is the kind of year we are actually in. Yes, my friends, Kink Unlimited is giving you a head start on the holiday, with a 55% discount when you join. You might well need 100 channels of kinky porn to get through a holiday week when a lot of your usual festive options aren’t on the table. Sure, you could pass the time whaling away on your sweetie with your spanking toy of choice — but with any luck you’ve been wearing out their tender areas for quite a few months now already!

spanked ass -- Black Friday Sale

No, friend, the people in your plague pod would all very much appreciate it if you bought yourself some new porn (100 channels and counting!) and gave their poor bottoms a break. Or perhaps yours is one of the poor bottoms in question. Some new porn might just possibly distract the fiend who paddles you, thus buying your tender ass some time to recover! I warn you not to count on the distraction scheme working, though. It might, sure. Or, the big old grumpy spanker in your life might just get a bunch of new kinky ideas, and then guess whose test titties are gonna be getting sore?

spanked titties -- black friday sale

Really there’s no way to lose here! Join Kink Unlimited now and enjoy a kinky holiday, however it goes down!

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