Handcuffed And Punished By Her Lover

This fierce-but-tender punishment scene is from Maid To Submit by Sue Lyndon:

Fire blazed across Ally’s bottom as Mark spanked her, the pain of the sharp blows taking her breath away. He covered her cheeks, alternating from left to right, and he also swatted the backs of her poor thighs. She tried to remain still, but she soon found herself squirming and trying to dodge the smacks. The strong hold he maintained kept her in place, and she wasn’t able to escape a single smack. She gripped the covers in her distress, clutching them so tightly her fingers ached.

“Please, Mark,” she begged. “It hurts so much!” Anguish over her actions filled her, seeming to increase the physical agony of her punishment. “I’m sorry, sir. Please, no more.”

His pace didn’t slow and his spanks didn’t falter. He continued on, giving her the sound thrashing that in her heart she knew she deserved. Her bottom throbbed. Each blow rang out in the room and echoed in tune with her gasps and cries. Burning tears gathered and escaped her eyes, running down her face to fall onto the covers. She sobbed into the bed, tossing her head from side to side as she endured each stinging slap.

Finally he stopped, and she gasped for air as he rubbed her bottom.

“Shh, Ally girl. We’re almost finished. I’m going to administer your last ten strokes with my belt. Then there will be no more spankings tonight, so long as you don’t get yourself into any more trouble this evening.”

Ten more strokes.

With the belt.

Her heart thudded, and she gulped before taking a deep breath to steady herself. He helped her stand up, and she melted when he pulled her in for a quick hug. His familiar, masculine scent soothed her, and she took comfort in knowing the spanking portion of her punishment was nearly over. He held her out by her shoulders and looked her up and down.

“Are you all right, sweetheart?”

Sniffling, she nodded. “Y-yes, sir. I’m all right.” Her voice cracked over the last few words. She loved that he checked on her, loved that he made sure she wasn’t under any true distress even as he corrected her and caused her pain.

He cupped her face briefly and placed a quick, gentle kiss to her forehead, before turning to dig around in his bedside table drawer. Excitement and worry blended and her pulse accelerated. She watched intently to see what he retrieved from the drawer, and her heart almost stopped when he turned around with two items in his hands.

A pair of handcuffs and a blindfold.

Holy hell. She bit the inside of her cheek and obediently walked to the foot of the bed. Prior experience told her that he’d wind the cuffs around the railing there before attaching them to her wrists.

“Good girl,” he said in a praising tone that melted her further. God, she loved him so much. He was so good to her, so perfect for her. She was thankful he was such a forgiving and understanding man. He could’ve sent her away in anger after she yelled at him and tried to break up with him, but instead he’d chased her through the trees, tossed her over his shoulder, and carried her back into his house.
He cuffed her right wrist first, and the cool metal against her flesh made her shiver. He pushed a finger between her wrist and the cuff to ensure the restraint wasn’t too tight. Again, the care he showed her during a punishment left her melting at his feet.

The railing on the foot of his bed was high, so high that she had to stretch her arms up as he looped the other cuff through one of the top rails. He grasped her free wrist and closed the cuff over it, once again checking to ensure it wasn’t too tight before he stepped back. She stood with her feet planted wide apart and her arms above her head, feeling very much on display and at his mercy.
He brushed her hair from her face and placed the blindfold over her eyes. Only the faint glow of the lamps reached her eyes through the dark fabric, and in the absence of her vision her other senses heightened. His woodsy scent became stronger, even as she heard him moving away. The floor creaked faintly beneath his steps. Her heart pounded a quick rhythm in her ears. The clinking of his belt buckle made her tummy flip, and she shuddered at the familiar whooshing noise of it being pulled from his pants.

“I’m going to make these strokes fast, Ally, so you don’t have to worry about counting them.”
“Thank you, sir.”

The floor creaked with his approach, and her stomach fluttered as she awaited that first lash to blaze across her already tender bottom. He didn’t make her wait long. The first strike caught her sit spot, and she danced in place as a cry was wrenched from her throat. Another lash landed and scorched her flesh, this one hitting a notch above the first one. True to his word, the strokes were fast, and he sped through them, working his way up her bottom to cover her entire backside with the sharp blows from his thick leather belt. She counted to ten in her head, and when the final lash fell, she burst into tears that were wrought more from relief than pain.

Emotion swelled within her, and she wanted nothing more than to curl into Mark’s strong embrace and feel his forgiveness. He freed her from the cuffs and rubbed her wrists for a moment, though they weren’t sore at all compared to her flaming bottom. She met his eyes as he turned her and gently drew the blindfold off her head.

And then she was in his arms as he carried her to the rocking chair in the corner of his room. The first time she’d seen the rocking chair, she’d thought it strange for a man to have that kind of furniture in his bedroom, but after her first punishment spanking he’d pulled her into his lap in the rocking chair and held her until her tears dried up. She’d understood and appreciated its purpose then, just as she did now.

She sighed against his chest as he sat down and circled his arms tighter around her. He kept one hand on her bottom, caressing her tender mounds, and the other hand in her hair to pet and soothe her into a blissful state.

“You are forgiven, Ally,” he said. “Shhh, don’t cry, little girl.”

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Bondage Ass Beatings Movie:

Detention House 3: Severely Punished Delinquent Girls

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"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."