Spanking Tube

From now on when you hear the phrase “spanking tube” I want you to think of this:

a spanking tube

I want one in my living room!

Artist is “Rex” I think.

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  1. Frr commented on September 2nd, 2012:

    Well. That’s one way to protect the kidneys.

  2. Dave commented on September 6th, 2012:

    Very strange. Perfect image to have a caption contest!?

  3. Fr. commented on January 2nd, 2019:

    Ha! Blast from the past, back when I spelled my handle a bit differently. Hey Dave, who won the caption contest!?

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

Detention House 3: Spanked Inmates Made Very Sorry

blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."