The Pain Of A Good Strapping

A big leather strap can be very painful if properly applied.

schoolgirl about to get the leather strap

Don’t believe me? Ask this girl:

in tears from a leather strap spanking

gritting her teeth against the pain of a leather strap spanking

From Her First Punishment.

See Also:

  1. Johnny commented on May 20th, 2012:

    Oooow!!!! Or whatever the Russian is for that. Great expression.

  2. Molly commented on May 27th, 2012:

    In a complete moment of insanity I bought Sir a leather strap for Valentine Day. I can tell you that this girls face really does say it all…. Sometimes I wonder why I didn’t just buy him a box of chocolate like most people… ;)


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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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