Butt Hook Keeps Her Still For Spanking

I’m pretty sure Dana Fox isn’t yelling in this photograph because of the leather paddle spanking she’s getting … or at least, she’s not yelling about that, alone. No, the butt hook tied to her pony tail (converting all her struggles into intimate and perilous internal sensations) probably has more to do with it:

dana fox spanked with a butt hook inserted and tied to her hair to keep her from wiggling

Rotating around for another view, I’d say, yup, definitely the butt hook. And it’s worth looking at the the rest of the shoot, too, because there’s also the little matter of the ordeal of the four canes she has to go through…

Image credit goes to Whipped Ass.

  1. Dan Duffy commented on October 23rd, 2010:

    What a lovely way to kick off a rainy Saturday morning. Thanks for the links, SB.

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

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