Still Yet Another Movie Spanking

Here’s a publicity still of W.C. Fields spanking Gracie Allen with his cane. I don’t know what movie this is from, but it looks entertaining!

W.C. Fields spanking Gracie Allen

Update: Vanilla Spanking resolves a slow dispute in my comments: this is from International House. In a larger version of the photo, you can even see the hand-written label:

gracie allen spanked

  1. Ancient commented on April 30th, 2008:

    The film was “International House,” made in 1933. Although I am not ancient enough to remember it, I’ve seen this picture before, and I’m pretty sure it was represented as a publicity still, not a scene. But, not having seen the movie, I can’t be sure that was true.

    One thing I am sure of is that a goodly number “movie spankings” appeared in the lobby posters but not in the movies. Hollywood hucksters have apparently always known that Spanking Sells.

  2. Hans commented on May 17th, 2022:

    i heard it was from the movie ” The Pharmacist ” but as well i am not sure about it.
    Hans from Germany

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."