An Opportunity For Comparison


Over on La Fesse the other day, Invidia enthused about a very nicely laid set of caning stripes. Teasing ensued, as we accused her of making (dare I say it?) Invidious comparisons, being jealous of the model depicted, and disparaging The Boss’s caning skills. In short, we were making shit up and trying, with the best of humor, to get Invidia in trouble with The Boss.

Of course we failed miserably. If he read the comments at all, he didn’t let on.

Fortunately, Invidia is better at getting Invidia in trouble than we are. She accordingly took care of that important business her own self (scroll down if you have to for the October 29 Memo). To make a good long story short, The Boss got to play with his wicked purple cane again, and, to hear him tell it, left Invidia “sporting some new stripes”.

Well now. What better opportunity could we have for Invidia to clear the cloud she has created upon The Boss’s honor and caning prowess? It’s obvious that a photographic comparison is in order. There’s nothing for it but to provide a photograph of the stripes in question. It’s the done thing.

My work here is done. I’m off to sleep the untroubled sleep of the just.

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...thirty vicious cane strokes for each delinquent young woman caught drinking on school grounds..."