Cartoon Ruler Spanking

Here’s a bent-over anime girl getting a blazing red bottom via the cruel instrumentality of a metal ruler:

ruler spanking for cartoon girl

From Usenet.

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  1. Adele Haze commented on November 26th, 2007:

    This is really sweet. That little red ribbon in her hair is perfect for colour-matching :)

  2. Goddess with a Whip commented on November 26th, 2007:

    I rather like the hand on her booty. Nice touch, just to make sure she doesn’t move.

  3. sarah commented on September 30th, 2008:

    Wow!! Very erotic view of a woman’s backside! Those panties are barely covering up her most private areas!! In this position, more than just her bottom could be spanked…lol!!

  4. ta commented on January 13th, 2012:

    i like anime spanking, tnx

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