The Ruler Spanking That Failed

Every now and then you see a bit of spanking art … often of the pulp variety … that makes you realize that the artist either did not know or does not care how a spanking works. This spanking cover from an Italian pulp is one of the most spectacular “spanking fail” artworks I have ever seen, I think:

la professoressa del vizio fails at ruler spanking on the cover of Gangster Story Bonnie #25

It simply fails in every dimension. The posing is bad, the women are too close together, the swoosh marks indicate that the ruler is swooshing in the wrong direction, it’s unclear what part of her anatomy might have been the target but it was surely never her bottom, and last but not least, the ruler itself is entirely out of proportion!

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  1. Fr, commented on July 15th, 2018:

    So bad it’s good?

  2. B.V. Wales commented on July 15th, 2018:

    This is not a drawing of the spanking; it depicts the tradition of flinging the skirt up with the ruler.

  3. SpankBoss commented on July 15th, 2018:

    If you say so…

  4. Fr, commented on July 16th, 2018:


    That almost makes sense.


    It’s more likely, though, that a hand would be used to fling up the skirt. Why use a ruler or anything else?

    And then, of course, the spanking would begin!

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