Caning Research: Punishing Two Women Simultaneously

In which Abel carries out advanced research into the practicality of caning two girls at once. Verdictum: No problem!

Day One of my stay in a spanking household and, as you’d expect, it didn’t take long for the action to commence! My arrival allowed Abel to test a hypothesis which had been exercising his mind recently, and which now allowed him to exercise his arm too: is it possible to cane two girls simultaneously?

Determined to investigate, he had Haron and I lie side by side, bare bottoms snuggled close together, and tapped experimentally with a particularly long cane, selected specially for the purpose… then let fly. Two girls simultaneously yelped! More strokes followed as Abel warmed to his task and persisted in the name of thorough research.

I had ended up furthest away so my near cheek was bearing the brunt for me, whilst Haron’s far cheek bore the force of the cuts for her. We squirmed and squawked our way through eight or so strokes and then he swapped sides, just for a couple to finish.

At which point I concluded that I may’ve had a rough deal, since being the near girl didn’t seem so bad. Or maybe that was just cos I was already well-striped – prettily-striped – by then!

Content with his efforts, Abel allowed us to redress and we walked over to some local friends’ for dinner

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...thirty vicious cane strokes for each delinquent young woman caught drinking on school grounds..."