This Is Not A Spanking Advice Column

Since this is not a spanking advice column, I’m not always as nice as I should be when people write in. Especially when the letter reads like this:

I’ve always had a little bit of a spanking fetish and i’ve always wanted to spank some sexy hot chick, but i’ve never been able to. how do i convince a girl to let me do that


Some necessary but not sufficient tips:

1) Stop capitalizing your online handle like a gE3k.
2) Better yet, don’t use your online gaming handle at all.
3) Don’t try to “convince” a girl; try instead to find a girl (better yet, a woman) who wants a spanking.
4) Use the internet to find her. It’s what you’re good at. And it’s where she is.
5) When using the internet to find a woman, spelling and punctuation are not optional.
6) All women are sexy. Most are hot. And few are “chicks”. Don’t limit yourself.

  1. sandy commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Yeah, all women ARE sexy!!

  2. Melissa commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Thank you SB for this wonderful advice. I have replied to several spanking personals when the guy writing seemed decent and not just out for SEX. (Though sex is wonderful, I’m more than that).

    I really really cannot wait until I find the connection that you and Bethie and other spanko copules have. Fingers crossed for all of us singles.

  3. Anonymous commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Thank goodness someone still cares about grammar. I can’t tell you how quickly I judge anything written in odd net slang. What you wrote is so darn true!

  4. CJ commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Loved your comments on this topic. Hilarious and so true!


  5. Jennifer commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Bless you!
    So many people just don’t get it. This guy doesn’t “get it” about spanking, or about women in general. He probably looks for “vanilla” women this way too.

  6. sandy commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Oh goodness how true.
    These men just craze me.
    They think spanking is all about sex… Or how hard they hit… and think nothing about the mind.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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