Bethie’s New Spanking Forum

Wooohoo! Big news, long awaited: Bethie has finally opened the doors and turned on the lights of her new Spanking Den, a spanking forum / discussion board / bulletin board. It’s brand spanking new (heh!) so you’ll want to sign right up (posting is for registered users only, but registration is completely free) and start some spanking conversations.

I haven’t spent much time on the spanking boards since I met Bethie, especially since the board I used to frequent had some moderator trouble that made me feel like I was living in Soviet Russia. (Posts and even whole threads used to disappear without a trace, and I’d find myself questioning my own sanity: “Wasn’t there a thread about whalebone crops here yesterday?” ) Anyway, I miss the free-form exchanges and light-hearted banter that gets going on a good discussion board, so I’m hoping Bethie’s board will take off and become a roaring success. Please check it out!

  1. J commented on April 29th, 2005:

    “In Soviet Russia, moderator spanks YOU!”

    I can’t come up with a good Yakov Smirnov joke at this point. Sorry. But you get the idea.

  2. Jennifer Brooks commented on September 11th, 2005:

    Hey bloggers,
    Just wondering if anyone else here is going to attend the upcoming spanking party in Palm Springs? I am going (first big party in several years), and I am both excited and nervous, LOL!! Anyone else going to go?
    Jennifer Brooks
    PS I am coming in Friday afternoon (traffic allowing, LOL) and plan on staying until sometime Sunday evening :)

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

Detention House 3: Spanked Inmates Made Very Sorry

blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."