Paint Store Spanking Banter

As every spanko knows, hardware stores are dangerous:

A couple of years ago Hubby and I went to a home center to buy some paint and there was a couple ahead of us and they bought paint in a 5 gallon container, the clerk gave then a nice 5 gallon size paint paddle and the husband asked if he could have another one, he turned to his wife and told her the second paddle was for her bottom, her face got red and she turned her face the other way as they left the store. The clerk just smiled and shook her head, and I was so thankful Hubby never said a word.

That’s Pillow_Girl posting on the Spanking Den forum.

  1. kaya commented on April 11th, 2006:

    You just reminded me of a tidbit. The Man and I were in Menard’s for rope awhile back. The Man was asking the salesman about the strength of the various ropes. The salesman said “how strong do you need it?”

    The Man turns to me and says “how much do you weigh again?”


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