Poly Spanking Foursome

I’ve long been of the opinion that people who successfully manage complex poly arrangements are playing at a very high level. From my peripheral observations of a few such, it’s possible but not easy — like, say, crossing a crowded room with a tray of filled beverage glasses balanced on your head. While people throw frozen grapefruit at you.

However, there are certain countervailing structural advantages. As in, for example, the situation where the four of you are hanging out but the two guys don’t seem to be fully into the spirit of the moment. That does not leave the ladies devoid of options for inspiration, as Pandora explains here:

Jacq and Tom spent last weekend here at D’s place, and I luxuriated in having my three play partners together at once for the first time since my memorable birthday foursome. The fact that Jacq is getting involved with all three of us independently to one extent or another is one of the most magical things about my connection with her. This is how polyamory works best for me: when it’s as joined-up as possible.

As well as chilling and just enjoying hanging out with the group, I wanted to take advantage of having everyone together to indulge in some play. We were pretty tired after a late night and neither of my men seemed about to initiate anything, but nonetheless I decided that someone was getting spanked this weekend, and enticed Jacq over my knee.

Needless to say, the gentlemen eventually rediscovered some of their mojo!

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."