“Spanked In” To The Komsomol

This is rather awesome. It’s a version of Sergei Grigoriev’s “Admission To The Komsomol” that’s been photoshopped to maximize its kink potential:

komsomol spanking initiation

The original:

admission to the Komsomol

Thanks to Abel.

Update: A sharp-eyed friend noticed that the photoshopped version has a bust of Stalin that’s not visible in the “real” version. He attributed the addition of the bust to our kinky photoshopper, but something about the brush strokes in the “real” version made me suspicious that this was actually some of that genuine old-fashioned Soviet political correctness in action. And sure enough! There’s no bust of Stalin in the image as it exists currently in the Ukrainian National Museum of Art, but it’s clearly to be seen in many reproductions prior to 1958. Compare and contrast the two postcard versions here (from 1954 and 1958). While searching this out, I was amused to discover a page in which the author muses (I think) about his adolescent fantasies inspired by this artwork:

…то стоит заметить, что в пуританской атмосфере сталинской России можно было возбудиться от совершенно невинного соцреалистического полотна под названием “Прием в комсомол”, широко репродуцируемого и украшавшего чуть ли не каждую классную комнату. Среди персонажей на этой картине была молодая блондинка, которая сидела, закинув ногу на ногу так, что заголились пять-шесть сантиметров ляжки. И не столько сама эта ляжка, сколько контраст ее с темно-коричневым платьем сводил меня с ума и преследовал в сновидениях.

My best machine-assisted translation (not so good) gives us something like this:

…it is worth noting that in the Puritan atmosphere of Stalinist Russia one could become aroused from a perfectly innocent Socialist Realist painting entitled “Admission to the Komsomol,” widely reproducible and decorating almost every classroom. Among the characters in this picture was a young blonde who was sitting with her legs crossed and showing five or six centimeters of her thighs. And this — not so much the thigh as its contrast with the dark brown dress — drove me crazy and chased me in my dreams.

See Also:

  1. Peter Axtell commented on December 25th, 2013:

    Actually this reminds of a famous picture from the English Civil War called “When did you last See Your Father?”
    Painted by Yeames, a Victorian painter

  2. A commented on December 28th, 2013:

    It’s not the author musing, it’s Joseph Brodsky, no less.

  3. Dave commented on January 5th, 2014:

    Amazing photo manipulation skills– crazy how real it looks.

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