Moms I’d Love To Spank (MILS?)

If you’ve seen much modern porn, you’ll have stumbled over the MILF acronym. “Mothers I’d Love To…” Well, you get the idea. (And if you don’t, there’s a hilarious pro-MILF rant over on ErosBlog that will clue you in.)

Well, Matt, it turns out, has a thing for spanking moms. This is buried in a long long long report on a Shadow Lane spanking party/convention, so I’ll quote the MILS (sigh, not as snappy an acronym) paragraphs:

You know, please don’t ask me to have favorites – I play with a lot of different women who are a lot of different types of women – younger, older, long-time friends and new acquaintances, emotional, detached, chaste, erotic, discipline, role play, and just for fun. Some are in shallow scenes and others let me get into their heads; some have gym-hardened butts and others have pillow-soft bottoms. So when I say I like one thing it doesn’t mean I dislike the opposite – just that that one trait happened to add to the experience this particular time.

Having said that and ready to make a sweeping generalization, you know what I like about moms? They’re so grounded. Yes, I may be in the Scene for the drama of it, but I appreciate the way that nothing at the party is going to affect them all that much – it’s not that big a part of their life, it’s not their identity, they’re not asking me to validate their existence. And I think this frees them to enjoy playing more. In my experience moms play with you the way they want or they find someone else – after all, if you’re not looking for a relationship. just a guy with a strong arm and a reasonable amount of respect, there’s no lack of candidates.

  1. Matt Anglen commented on September 26th, 2006:

    hey, Boss, thanks for the shout out! And glad to see you read all through what, as you say, is a long, long preliminary report. Oh well, I have a lot to say, I guess!

    Thanks again,


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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."