French Movie Spanking

This is (according to Le monde de la fessée where I found it) actress Sophie Desmarets getting spanked by Jean Desailly in a 1951 movie called Demain nous divorçons (“Tomorrow We Divorce”, I think):

spanking scene from a French movie

  1. Sarah Aless commented on November 16th, 2008:

    Am I alone in thinking that she should be over the other way for him to get a decent swing? Looks like too much effort for him and a danger for her of getting hit in the lower back or one of those painful strokes that catches the underside of the bottom but pulls up on the whole rump area.
    Do I think about spanking too much?

  2. Sam commented on November 18th, 2008:

    Hmm…you’re not alone.

    And yes, you do.

    But so do I!

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