Caned Across Her Thighs

I’ve wished for more than a decade that would someday decide to make a website devoted to spanking and corporal punishment, rather than just including it as short interludes in broader fetish content. But, so far, no joy.

Which does not mean they don’t produce some delicious images. For example: This bondage caning.

The girl is Sophie Monroe from The Training of O, and you can see more in this shoot.

See Also:

  1. Nikki commented on June 30th, 2011:

    I could have sworn I just saw a site owned by Kink that’s devoted to spankings and the like. Here’s what I thought it was:
    But probably not what you’re hoping for, as it’s more lesbians dominating lesbians.

    Good luck!

  2. SpankBoss commented on June 30th, 2011:

    Yeah, Whipped Ass has the right name, but it’s never really been about spanking or even whipping, not predominantly. Those things happen, but always F/f and usually in the context of quite a lot more BDSM activities.

  3. jack commented on April 1st, 2013:

    I agree ! 99% of so called spanking and c/p sites on the web are utter garbage.
    It would be great if kink and the rest of those mostly American bondage fixated sites got it together to produce something along the lines of a severe girls reformatory with lots of nude exercise/marching drill/hard canings and other humiliating punishments. How about it guys and gals?
    I won’t hold my breath!


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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

before and after brutal caning photo
"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."