A Martinet Whipping

This vintage photo of a good brisk whipping with a martinet has the look of the 1980s spanking magazines:

whipping with a martinet

Update: Yup, here’s the rest of the sequence.

See Also:

  1. Neeros commented on December 16th, 2006:

    What is a Martinett anyway? I love the 80’s!!

  2. Sassy Red commented on December 16th, 2006:

    It was from a 1980’s issue of Janis. I absolutedly loved that picture story as a British husband put his wife in several positions.

  3. Loki_Darksong commented on December 16th, 2006:

    A martinet is a french spanking tool. It was originally for military pruposes, but it migrated into domestic life. It was still widly used as far as a few years ago and probably is still in use.


  4. amber commented on December 17th, 2006:

    Actually, I kind of want one. I like how’s short and probably kind of severe.

  5. AJB commented on December 17th, 2006:

    I remember this story well. The girl was delicous.

  6. Dan Duffy commented on December 19th, 2006:

    Lovely picture. Is there are particular vendor anyone would recommend to purchase a good tawse?

  7. Dan Duffy commented on December 19th, 2006:

    …eh-HEM! I mean, Martinet. Any good vendors for this implement?

  8. SpankBoss commented on December 19th, 2006:

    Amber, I edited your post to remove the London Tanners URL, [update: never mind, I put it back] not that Dan Duffy won’t be able to Google them. [Update: I have deleted my negative comment about The London Tanners, I made it in error and was thinking of a different vendor. Huge apologies, and I’ve made Amber’s link clickable.]

  9. amber commented on December 19th, 2006:

    Dan Duffy – I am going to buy one from the London Tanners – mind you, I haven’t tried their martinet yet but they make high quality leather anything, and it’s very much a boutique, artisan business, and they’ll even do things to your specification if you have some particular preference. I got a tawse and a loopy Johnny from them, and what I like is the quality – it’s simply very well made, sleek, and it is made domestically rather than coming from China or whatever (if you are in US). It’s definitely my first choice for leather in US.

  10. Dan Duffy commented on December 19th, 2006:

    Thanks for the suggestion, amber. I have several of Ian’s excellent implements in my collection, along with something from The Stockroom. I like and trust both vendors. SpankBoss, I’m sorry and surprised to hear of your less than satisfactory experience with TLT. Did you follow up with a complaint? He’s such a great guy, and the straps and paddles that I have purchased haven’t failed to redden the deserving posteriors of more than one recalcitrant young lady – much to my delight and their chagrin. I’ll check out both for the Martinet, and make a purchase soon. Again, thanks for the suggestions and wonderful picture.

  11. SpankBoss commented on December 20th, 2006:

    Whoops! HUGE unfortunate mistake on my part. I’ve never dealt with The London Tanners, I was thinking of a different vendor, and I’ve deleted my negative comment because it’s horrifying to tar one vendor with another’s failings. I’ve heard nothing but good about Ian’s work, but have no personal experience dealing with him. Very sorry for the error, fortunately it was only on the web for a few hours.

  12. PaulH commented on February 5th, 2007:

    I had the full photo set one time and though the spanking wasn’t terribly convincing, yes the girl was lovely. She started off wearing a very sexy tight fitting sex skirt suit, but when it came to time for the spanking she had to take off her jacket and peel up her skirt to reveal those fabulous stockinged legs and beautiful arse. I always think that stockings and a suspender belt provide such a wonderful frame for a spanking!

  13. walter commented on August 25th, 2008:

    A beauiful whipping with martinet. Plus garter-belt and stockings. What could be more erotic than that.

  14. Ian The London Tanners commented on August 31st, 2008:

    I have over 30 years Leatherworking experience and I am the Author of the book Leatherwork by Ian Hamilton Head, which has been used as a school text book for the last 10 years. I think one should check their facts better before besmerching a company. Then I suppose anybody can write a spanking blog with no credentials whatsoever.

  15. SpankBoss commented on August 31st, 2008:

    Ian, that seems like an awfully grumpy and ungracious remark on your part, given that my error was corrected in less than three hours, removed from the web, and accompanied by an apology, followed by sending you free traffic for a couple of years.

    There’s just no pleasing some people I guess.

  16. Marty Oflynn commented on December 3rd, 2008:

    The wife bought the London Tanner martinet and I can testify it has a real bite. Ten strands across the bottom at once give you ten spankings with one whack. It does not leave marks and stings like the devil. Great spanking tool.

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