Spanking The Principal

In which the youngest female high school principal in the county discovers the downside to her new strict policies:

That first swat of the paddle stung more than Alex could have imagined. She shrieked, bobbed up, and grabbed her smarting backside.

Being bare from the waist down for a hand-spanking was one thing, but she now stood totally nude, hopping from foot to foot, heedless of the boys leering at her. Later on, she would blush hotly at any mention of this performance, but, for now, all she was concerned with was somehow surviving nineteen more swats without permanently losing either her wits or her ability to sit.

(Meanwhile, the word having spread, apparently by jungle telegraph, two more monitors drifted in to watch the show.)

O’Shea ordered her back into position. When she eventually complied, he immediately gave her another one. Again, she yowled and did the dance of pain. Angered by the delay, O’Shea bent her over again, and she got three more swats in quick succession. Once again, she lurched up, dancing and rubbing.

“This will certainly not do!” O’Shea exclaimed, “If you cannot take your punishment like a woman, then I am forced to make you take it like a child!”

That’s just the beginning of a long saga called Hickory Stick High, by C. Lakewood and Father Jim.

  1. sixofthebest commented on April 23rd, 2011:

    What a spanking story is Hickory High, by C. Lakewood and Father Jim. Bravo, Bravo, Bravo, to these authors. Thank you, You made my day. reading it. And thank you Spanking blog, for publishing it. I love to hear spanking stories about Female Principles, or female teachers, getting their bare bottoms warmed.

  2. C. Lakewood commented on April 24th, 2011:

    Strictly speaking, that’s the beginning of Part 1, which is preceded by a short prologue.

    Those of you who liked this story should find other
    things of interest at

    There are hundreds of stories there, all of which
    I’ve had some hand in — as author, co-author, or

    I’m afraid, however, that, though female academics
    are my favorite D-i-D, I’m more into humiliation
    than straight spanking.

  3. Jeremy commented on April 24th, 2011:

    I loved the story. I really like stories of powerful women humbled, depowered, and striped of their clothes while being forced for a spanking. The thing I did not like was the end. Generally speaking, I thought her being striped for her power and being made into just a figurehead for the program by the v.p. and the secretary was far more erotic.

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

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