Zille On Maia

A long time ago (yikes, was it really almost four years ago?) I posted the best spanking excerpt from Richard Adam’s fantasy novel, Maia. I was really too young to appreciate Maia when I first read it (having found it with the card catalog after reading Watership Down when I was still young enough to be looking for animal stories in the library), but the dirty bits were impressive enough to remain in my memory. Now Zille Defeu has posted a much more appreciative review of Maia as a kinky book:

Richard Adams is a right old pervert! As far as I can tell, he has only written this story so that he’ll have an excuse to think up all sorts of scenarios for slave girls to get caught in shocking situations, with varying amounts of sex and perversion. Most of the main characters are either seriously into BDSM (and “safe, sane, and consensual” don’t enter into it!) or are simply generally very horny people who want to, and do, have sex all the time.

  1. Zille commented on January 19th, 2009:

    Hey Spank Boss!

    Thanks for the mention — I should have guessed you had already written about Maia — you’re always a spank ahead of me! :)

    I’m not joking about liking the book so much, after I finished it, I couldn’t find any other book that fit my mood, so just opened Maia back up to the first page and started it up again! It’s such a thick book that a re-read is actually not a bad idea, just so you can tie the stuff at the start of the story more closely together with the stuff at the end, but it does mean that I’ll just have to read all those naughty bits again! ;)

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

Detention House 3: Delinquent Girls Spanked Amazingly Hard

before and after brutal caning photo
"...the girls are prepared in the reformatory’s punishment room, naked, lying on their backs on special benches, bound with their legs spread above their heads, shamefully showing the two holes usually hidden..."