Kinky Blinkies?

Invidia has a whole page up of something called “Kinky Blinkies“. They are sorta cute, and she’s taking requests:

She speculates that doms don’t put blinkies on their pages, and I think she’s right: but then again, has any man been caught dead with one yet?

  1. Invidia commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Heya Spankboss – thanks for the support! Hopefully your readership will find some cute blinkies for their pages. And should you, in all your Domliness, decide that you want one – you know who to call.

    Best Blessings. . .

  2. Spankboss commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Sheesh! You know there was a silent [as a design element on his page] in that sentence! :)

  3. Baltazar Casaubon commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Errr… I hate to point it out to ya SpankBoss, but in answer to your question “has any man been caught dead with one yet?”, well… you have ;-)

    You’ve got one sitting right there blinking away *grin* OK, I admit it’s Invidia’s link graphic to the page, so I guess it doesn’t count.

    *runs away giggling like a loon*

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