Fangirl Gives A Spanking

Here’s a public spanking picture from Usenet which appears from the outfits to be taking place at some sort of media con or fan gathering. The young lady with the paddle looks like she’s putting her whole body into that whack:

anime con spanking

  1. Phoenix commented on September 24th, 2005:

    YAY! An anime spanking picture! The paddles are provided by “Hen Da Ne”, a hentai (anime porn) company based in the US which sells all sorts of adultish items at cons. Those paddles were a huge hit at Anime Central (Chicago) where I collected around 200 signatures of ladies wishing to be spanked on the paddle ^_^. It now hangs in my room. Makes a great conversation piece. Hen Da Ne (if anyone is interested) translates to “odd isn’t it?”
    The paddles are still available and sold at conventions as well as online.


  2. Clarence commented on September 29th, 2005:

    That is the Baltimore convention center. Thus, that is from the Otakon. To find out more about the *possibly* largest anime con go to:

    I recognize the building having been to Otakon about 4 times since it came to Baltimore. However, I couldn’t go this year, alas.

    By the way, spanking is not a normal thing there, but since people are playful and there are lots of costumes from various anime *including hentai* occasionally you will find some dressed as bdsm players, etc. Nothing lewd, though. It is a public event in a public place.

  3. kai commented on August 6th, 2007:

    that otaku is hiting her with the yaoi paddle

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