Political Spanking

We don’t do politics on Spanking Blog, for the simple reason that there are ten zillion political blogs out there who do ’em better. So this is not posted in any particular partisan spirit. Rest assured that a larger-than-life parade float depicting the spanking of any head of state — wait a minute, who am I kidding? make that anybody — would probably get mentioned here. In this case, we’ve got George Bush being spanked by the Statue Of Liberty:

george bush getting spanked

A float depicting U.S. President George W. Bush being spanked by the Statue Of Liberty passes by during the Rose Monday carnival parade in Mainz, western Germany, on Monday, Feb. 19, 2007.

Thanks to M for the photo tip.

  1. Goddess with a Whip commented on February 21st, 2007:

    Spanking is too good for him. He’d enjoy it.

  2. Hardwood commented on February 23rd, 2007:

    So, now I have to make a float with Geo. Bush spanking Angela Merkel.

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