Kneeling Up For A Flogging

I like this flogging posture (from Sex And Submission) quite a bit more than the usual tied-up-to-the-rafters scene:

cute girl gets ass flogging while kneeling in a chair

And besides, we don’t all have rafters. But who doesn’t have a chair?

  1. robeach commented on July 24th, 2006:

    Rocking chairs offer more support, knees spread & cheeks higher.

  2. ian commented on July 25th, 2006:

    Nice shot, beautiful bottom encase in stockings and suspenders, do not know about rocking chairs – do they not move too much?

  3. Jennifer commented on July 25th, 2006:

    This is my favorite position for a caning…..kneeling seems to relax and plump my ass-cheeks…’s nearly impossible to clench. Himself often has me kneel on a chair in front of the mirror so I can watch Him cane me……

  4. Jilly commented on July 25th, 2006:

    Hi Totally agree with Jennifer, thats my favorite position also, its hard to explain but it is!

  5. robeach commented on October 20th, 2006:

    Ian, the rocker is a larger surface to kneel on and doesn’t rock much. I use a leather belt. Somewhere I may take a break, turn up the music and place her on the bed, head down. With this, my strokes become more severe. I love to see her ass-cheeks high in the air.

  6. walter commented on July 27th, 2008:

    beautiful picture. perfect pose. What a joy to thrash.

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