Rubber Hosing A Hot-Waxed Ass

It might be arguable that warming up a bottom with hot wax isn’t really necessary if you’re going to spank it with a rubber hose. But it’s too late for you to reach the cover artist for Niece In Bondage (Greenleaf Books, BB221) with that argument:

hot wax and rubber hose spanking

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  1. Bonnie commented on June 13th, 2020:

    Wow, Dan. That’s just evil. I’ve spent some time on the wrong end of a rubber hose. Both the marks and the memories are lasting. To place this implement in proper perspective, I’d choose the bath brush every time. Yikes!

    Socially distanced hugs,

  2. SpankBoss commented on June 13th, 2020:

    Ha! I suppose there’s a reason it’s the preferred choice of basement interrogators in all the best tinpot dictatorships.

    Good to hear from you, Bonnie!

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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