Ten Days Of Spankings

If you’ve been reading A Creative Spanked Wife lately, you’ll know that Patty managed to earn herself a hard spanking every day for ten days in a row. Ouch! Apparently she got a lot of email, both sympathetic and (sigh) judgmental. I dunno if she got any jealous mail, but once all the lonely spanko girls read Fred’s note from day nine, she might start getting it. Excerpt:

You’d be proud of her submission this week. She’s been afraid. She’s been insecure. She’s been damned classy too. No man can ask for more in his submissive than that she be strong, resolved and accepting. My brat’s been that and more.

Patty’s submission is more perfect than I deserve. When she’s right, and I am right and our wills clash, she gives me her grace. Might be she bucks it for a while, might be we both miss and argue it for a while, ultimately, when life settles out, it just is. The brat yields her faith and trust to me.

She’ll tell you she struggles. She’ll tell you she fights me. WEG. She’s a brat. Even when she’s good, she’s bad.

  1. patty commented on July 13th, 2005:

    He’s got a way of melting ya doesn’t he? ;). Makes me feel all the more guilty when I act like a wench too.

    I count my blessings every day.

  2. Mija commented on July 15th, 2005:

    Fantastic account Patty. I’m sorry about the judgement. It can make it hard to write sometimes, at least for me. :-/

    But you both shine through as very wonderful.

    BTW, are comments shut off at your blog now? Or am I just being lamer than usual?

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

Detention House 3: Spanked Inmates Made Very Sorry

blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."