Totally Unverified Spanking News

While this is a just an article from a gossip rag, I thought it was kinda funny.

Sandra Bernhard told Howard Stern she slept with Jay Leno back when she and the “Tonight Show” host were both just starting out. And according to Sandra, Jay’s not only extremely well-endowed, he’s also a wild man in the sack. Sandra claims they never actually dated, per se, but they hung out quite a bit and fooled around, Jay handcuffing her and even putting her over his knee and spanking her. What a freak!

Obviously the author of the article just doesn’t know how to have a good time. I’ve always thought Jay Leno was a class act and now I have another reason to like him!

  1. Teaflax commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Too bad Lenos supposed wildness in the bedroom doesn’t reflect in any sort of fire as a host end interviewer.

  2. Teaflax commented on March 10th, 2005:

    That should have been “AND interviewer.”

    After Leno helped Arnold to the governorship, I don’t see how anyone can call him a class act (not that I could have seen it before that either).

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