LOL Whippings

This bit of anime girl-girl whipping art just seemed to cry out for captions:

BDSM lesbian anime lust, with a whip

Large version here. Art found on Usenet.

  1. Shiaoran commented on January 2nd, 2008:

    Could you please tell me the source of the pic you used?(collection/artist)
    Thanks in advance.

  2. SpankBoss commented on January 2nd, 2008:

    Sorry, I always do that when I can. If I don’t give source information — or, as here, where my source information is very general — that means it’s the best info I have.

    “Downloaded from UseNet” is the best I can do on this one.

  3. Shiaoran commented on January 3rd, 2008:

    Too bad… It’s a very good image.
    Thanks anyway.

  4. LOLgirls Caught In The Act - ErosBlog: The Sex Blog commented on February 8th, 2008:

    […] kinky anime cartoon with LOLcats-styled caption from Spanking Blog (post and larger version here) made me […]

  5. ffilou6 commented on June 2nd, 2008:

    I think it’s from a “h” (hentai) or “eroge” (japanese probably) game. I don’t know the title…

  6. meimei has commented on January 5th, 2018:

    Makes me feel a bit awkward to be honest…Good artwork though. Sexy;)

    But seriously…mmm yeah. Spread those legs, girl!

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