He’s Coming After You

A number of you ladies will have seen something like this at one point or another:

a man with a spanking paddle and a raging erection

You’d better go ahead and bend over, you’re in for a spanking all right!

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  1. Julie commented on September 4th, 2009:

    Yeah, like most of us should be so lucky. Bad haircut, though.

  2. dan duffy commented on September 4th, 2009:

    It’d be a helluva time for the Mother-In-Law to show up for an unannounced visit.

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Bondage Ass Beatings Movie:

Detention House 3: Severely Punished Delinquent Girls

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"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."