In Praise of Spanking Marks

Here’s a handy list from My Bottom Smarts of the virtues of spanking marks :

Ten Reasons Why Marks Aren’t So Bad

10. Turn-on for partner
9. Fun topic of conversation
8. Reminder to not misbehave
7. Demonstrates submission
6. Prevents becoming a couch potato
5. Edgy fashion statement
4. Spanking souvenir
3. Moderates subsequent spankings
2. Badge of honor
1. Excellent opportunity to complain

  1. john commented on November 14th, 2005:

    love to see those red butts.

  2. Robeach commented on November 15th, 2005:

    Submission on display.

  3. lavenderwhips commented on November 19th, 2005:


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