Another Electric Spanking

More fun with the electric fly swatter (aka the Zapper Paddle), from My Not-So-Secret Self. This time it’s the inner thighs that get zapped:

The wires hot with electricity touch the tender flesh of my inner thigh and I feel it surge along my body; unlike the cattle prod it doesn’t echo deep into my body but rather seems to travel along my skin, like waves in the ocean slipping away into calm nothingness.

She pauses, waiting for my response; it really doesn’t hurt all that much, and I tell her so, giggling quietly. As she agrees with me, I jerk involuntarily at the unexpected touch of the fly swatter on my other thigh.

This time, I give in to the electricity – letting the incredible feelings wash over me. I feel zippy light pain, almost indistinguishable from the floaty mindless pleasure that overwhelms me. But before the sensations have a chance to dissipate, I feel it starting all over again as she touches the fly swatter to the first thigh, yet again.

The intensity of the electricity becomes harder to control as she gently touches the fly swatter back and forth between my inner thighs. I lose control quickly and she coos at me calmly that I need to stay still. Despite my best efforts, my legs are thrashing and my body won’t stop moving – I can no longer defeat the current.

See Also:

  1. ElectroSex Blog » Electric Spanking of Inner Thighs commented on April 5th, 2006:

    […] Source:   […]

  2. Part 26: Playing with electric fly swatters / electric paddles | commented on November 18th, 2011:

    […] Here’s an incredibly hot quote from My Not-So-Secret Self posted on the Spanking Blog: […]

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