Spanking Blog, May 2003

I decided to look back and see what I was blogging about seven years ago, in May of 2003. It was the usual assortment of spanking ephemera, but the things that strike me as having survived the test of time are these:

  • I wrote a mini-review of one of Sharon Green’s Terrillian novels, quoting a couple of the quick spanking scenes in it and doing a bit of compare-and-contrast with the Gor novels. “How did those Gorean bastards ever get any sleep? You make one mistake, just one, with the binding fiber, and with all those weapons around it’s testicles on the floor, baby…”
  • I quoted a comic BDSM article at length (and a good thing too, because the link broke years ago) talking about “duckie training”: “For pure Domly impact, nuthin’ beats the sight of a butt plug string tied to a toy duck mounted on wobbly wheels that produce a distinctive quacking sound with each motion. Where your subbie goes, Mr. Quackers follows! The sound of Mr. Quackers’ angry cry will make your subbie’s anus cringe in delight!”
  • I posted some spanking illustrations, including a spanking machine and some cartoon characters.
  • I quoted a bondage-and-riding-crips scene from an old F.E. Campbell bondage book. “The crack of a riding crop against bare female flesh resounded throughout the big dungeon, followed immediately by a squeal of pain…”
  • Last but not least, I quoted and linked to an essay arguing that the happy symmetry between hand and bottom is proof of the existence of god.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

Detention House 3: Spanked Inmates Made Very Sorry

blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."