Guilty Wives

A few days ago the serious caners at Mood Pictures sent me a review copy of their latest caning DVD entitled Guilty Wives. If you liked earlier Mood Pictures releases, you’ll enjoy this one.

Continuing the recent Mood Pictures trend toward more severe canings, Guilty Wives delivers some impressive caning welts. But fear not: as usual, the DVD extras show the actresses cavorting happily with the crew and demonstrating their normal enthusiastic good cheer about the whole project. In these severe caning movies from Eastern Europe, it’s always reassuring to see evidence that the girls enjoy their work and are doing it voluntarily.

So what’s the plot? Pretty simple, actually. Two wives in “Syberia” are accused of adultery, convicted in best Soviet kangaroo-court style, and sentenced to fifty harsh cane strokes each. The judge himself executes the sentence.

The canings are very harsh, and made more so because the caner can’t seem to lay on a horizontal stroke to save his life. Most of the strokes land with a down angle that lays heaviest on the girls’ left buttocks with the tip landing on their inner right thighs. Painful, surely, but a smidge inelegant.

For all that, we see real-looking tears and much unhappy caned girl. If you like severe canings, this movie will not disappoint.

In a non-English language (perhaps Hungarian?) with subtitles.

  1. Bethie commented on March 10th, 2005:

    This movie combined with a bottle of our favorite wine, made for a very enjoyable night!

    I give it “two buns up” – my highest recommendation.

  2. B. commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Ouch. Those are some serious welts.

    I’ve had a look at their gallery and the lack of horizontal cane stripes looks like there was a major height difference between the caner and the canee… Certainly all the “in progress” pics in the gallery show the cane on a downward slope.

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